The bestselling author of Pitch Anything and Flip The Script takes time out of his busy morning to entertain and discuss pro-level sales methods and ways that top companies close their big deals. This is a fast-paced and high-energy conversation about dealmaking at every level. Oren Klaff provides the kind of real-world experiences and examples you can use to break through to your next level. One short episode is enough to hook you.

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Oren Klaff talks to Paul Duffy, from NexTech AR
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Do you want to know the Next Big Thing in business?
I just talked to Paul Duffy, who is basically the Keymaker from the Matrix, and he's got the answer you want.
Paul might be THE #1 expert in the commercial use of Virtual Reality. And if you think VR is something that only doctors, scientists and gaming companies will use, but not YOU and your industry, this will change your mind.
By the end of the episode you'll realize VR is happening right now, and you need to be jacked into the Matrix immediately ...
and here we go!
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